
回家找一份古早以前的文件,翻箱倒櫃的沒找到,卻發現了一份在Berkeley唸Marketing Program時,當時十分鼓舞自己英文寫作能力的作業。

這是Integrated Marketing Communication堂上的小作業。老師要我們去找一份平面廣告,分析其內容的各項總合行銷傳播元素,如行銷目標、溝通目標、目標市場、人口特徵分析…等。但是老師特別強調其中一項:Psychographic Profile。她說,業界漸漸流行以這種方式來具體描述他們的目標市場,將他們的目標市場「故事化」,生動的個人生活描述,彷彿真有這麼一個人在這城市的某個角落居住著,而不只是將目標市場呆板的項目化為,他們的年齡多大、收入多少、屬於哪個社會階級等。

我當時找了一篇刊登在Bazar雜誌內,蘭蔻新上市的口紅廣告,目標市場的Psychographic Profile是這麼寫的:

「Louisa, 30 years old, PR of a high-tech company. She is an outgoing, active, and pretty woman. Living in San Francisco, it takes her 40 minute drive to San Jose, where her office is located. Wake up early in the morning, Louisa usually spends one and half hour to take a shower, have breakfast, dress up and wear make-up. As an outgoing and energetic person, her work and personal life schedules are always busy. During the day, she often has meeting with vice president, the spokesman of the company, has lunch with press reporters, or company critical clients. Sometimes, she has to attend some important banquets with CEO or vice president. After work, Louisa dates with several men who are on her husband candidate list. Louisa is not like the “Sex and the City” women who have complicated relationship with men. She just needs more cautious and mature consideration and evaluation. French restaurants in San Francisco downtown are Louisa’s usual date locations. Louisa likes classical and Jazz music, so sometimes she and her potential husband candidate would go to concert or Jazz pub. As a 30 year-old woman, Louisa lives a busy but colorful life.」


「Holly, 妳可以上前來,把妳寫的那段psychographic profile唸一下嗎?」


我走到講台前,嘰哩咕嚕的念了這段文字。唸完時,聽見全班同學響起如雷的掌聲,是真心主動鼓掌的那種,而不是客套式、非做不可的掌聲。我還記得那個長得像Tom Cruise、很帥蠻自傲的瑞士男孩,還邊鼓掌邊點頭邊豎起大拇指讚好;那個調皮的、平常沒事就愛跟我搗蛋、同樣很自傲的巴西男孩,也是滿眼稱許的頻頻點頭。






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