這名劇作家,原本雄心壯志的來到好萊塢,想賺取屬於自己的泳池、賺到名氣、跟在華納片場的專屬停車位。豈知混了一年之後,卻還是住在地獄般充滿腐臭味的小房間,只有一張爛爛的床,連牆角的壁紙也都剝落了。而為了那份微薄的薪水,還得堆滿假笑,幫人倒酒倒茶水,用力拍老闆甚至老闆夫人的馬屁,「we do whatever pays the wages」,為了薪水什麼都做。
通往好萊塢的「日落大道」(Sunset Boulevard),是一條兩旁植滿棕櫚樹,陽光燦爛、風光明媚、筆直寬敞的大道。但是對無數來到這裡,希望成為大明星、大導演、大劇作家的男男女女來說,卻是波濤洶湧、詭譎、多變、殘酷不安的一條大道。
Sunset Boulevard
曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber
詞:Don Black & Christopher Hampton
音樂劇:日落大道 Sunset Boulevard
演唱:Michael Ball
Sure I came out here to make my name 的確,當初我來到這裡是想成名
Wanted my pool, my dose of fame 想有自己的游泳池,想要一點名氣
Wanted my parking space at Warner's 想在華納片場擁有專屬停車間
But after a year, a one room hell 但一年過後,卻只有地獄般的房間
A murphy bed, a rancid smell 一張爛床,一堆腐臭味
Wallpaper peeling at the corners 還有牆角邊斑駁的壁紙
Sunset Boulevard, twisting boulevard 日落大道,曲折的大道
Secretive and rich, a little scary 神秘、多金,有點驚駭
Sunset Boulevard, tempting boulevard 日落大道,誘惑的大道
Waiting there to swallow the unwary 等在那兒冷不防地吞沒你
Dreams are not enough to win a war 夢想不足以贏得戰役
Out here they're always keeping score 在激烈的鬥爭底下
Beneath the tan the battle rages 總有人掌控你的戰績
Smile a rented smile, fill someone's glass 微笑是租來的假笑,倒滿某人的水杯
Kiss someone's wife, kiss someone's ass 親某人的妻子,拍某人的馬屁
We do whatever pays the wages 為了薪水我們什麼都豁出去
Sunset Boulevard, headline boulevard 日落大道,中心的大道
Getting here is only the beginning 來到這裡只是剛開始而已
Sunset Boulevard, jackpot boulevard 日落大道,賭注累積的大道
Once you've won you have to go on winning 你一旦贏了一把,就必須持續贏下去
You think I've sold out? 你認為我出賣了自己?
Dead right I've sold out! 該死我真的出賣了自己!
I just keep waiting for the right offer 可我只是在等待好的機會
Comfortable quarters, regular rations 舒適的住處,定時的供餐
24-hour Five Star room service 24小時五星級客房服務
And if I'm honest, I like the lady 若要我誠實說,我是喜歡這女士
I can't help being touched by her folly 無法不被她的癡傻感動
I'm treading water, taking the money 我正走在水面上,用著她的錢
Watching her sun set... Well, I'm a writer! 看著她日落西沈..咳,我可是個作家
L.A.'s changed a lot over the years 自從那些勇敢的淘金客打前鋒
Since those brave gold rush pioneers 駕著搖搖欲墜的馬車來了之後
Came in their creaky covered wagons LA的面貌這些年來改變很多
Far as they could go end of the line 他們能走這麼遠抵達目標
Their dreams were yours, their dreams were mine 這是你的,也是我的夢想
But in those dreams were hidden dragons 但這些夢想裡卻藏著巨凶猛獸
Sunset Boulevard, frenzied boulevard 日落大道,瘋狂的大道
Swamped with every kind of false emotion 吞噬了所有虛假的情感
Sunset Boulevard, brutal boulevard 日落大道,殘酷的大道
Just like you, we'll wind up in the ocean 一如你,我們將為大海吞沒
She was sinking fast, I threw a rope 她快速殞落,我投出繩索
Now I have suits and she has hope 此刻我有了西裝而她有了希望
It seemed an elegant solution 這看來是最棒的結果
One day this must end, it isn't real 總有一天卻必須終了,這不是真實
Still I'll enjoy a hearty meal 但在明日的處決來臨前
Before tomorrow's execution 我就繼續享受這美好吧
Sunset Boulevard, ruthless boulevard 日落大道,無情的大道
Destination for the stony-hearted 是鐵石心腸的宿命
Sunset Boulevard, lethal boulevard 日落大道,毀滅的大道
Everyone's forgotten how they started 每個人都忘了他們是如何開始的
Here on Sunset Boulevard...! 就在這條日落大道!